The song was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance at the 48th Grammy Awards.

I like writing strange things that sing to me Cause it doesn’t remind me of anything.

Those are moments I treasure as a writer, which fire up that old writing spirit when I’m off on the chase after something wonderful and new. The things I've held sacred that I've dropped. Chorus The things that I've loved the things that I've lost. Aprende esta canción y muchas mas en acordesweb. ❼ómo tocar Doesnt Remind Me en la guitarra. If you feel that the content of this file may be violating # copyright law, you may not use the information displayed here in any way. Acordes, Letra y Tablatura de la canción Doesnt Remind Me de Audioslave. I walk the streets of Japan till I get lost Cause it doesnt remind me of anything With a graveyard tan carrying a cross Cause it doesnt remind me of anything I like studying faces in a parking lot Cause it doesnt remind me of anything I like driving backwards in the fog Cause it doesnt remind me of anything The things that Ive loved the. The owner of this website has not reviewed the contents of this file and # does not support copyright infringement or violating the rights of any artist # or legal entity.

Artist:Audioslave Title:Doesn't Remind Me #-PLEASE NOTE-# This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # song. Doesnt Remind Me I walk the streets of Japan till I get lost Cause it doesnt remind me of anything With a graveyard tan an carrying a cross It doesnt.